Giflr uses your browser to keep track of the GIF's you've cooked. Anyone can see a GIF as long as they have the URL, so this is just for not losing the URL's in the first place.
No cooked GIF's yet
Giflr is a web app for making (or remaking) animated GIF's from your webcam, still images or other animated GIF's in a sexy, swift and straightforward fashion. You can draw or add text, edit the size, speed and playback direction, move, scale and rotate stuff – all the while previewing the result, not having to guess the result of what you're doing.
Once you're GIF's been cooked, you'll get a URL where you can look at it. And by using that URL, others can look at it too! Giflr even lets you pin your GIF on Pinterest straight away.
As icing on the cake, Giflr is also available as a Chrome web app. You should definitely install it, that icon looks like no other on your desktop or new tab page!
Giflr packs a punch, and there are a few tips and tricks that are nice to know about. Here are a few:
The loading GIF's are old school animations by Chuck Poynter. After retirement, he went on to pursuing his interests in
computer programming and computer graphics
. His hobbies bore plenty of fruit, and he left a legacy of animated GIF's that oozes warm and lovely 1990's internet culture!
The icons used in Giflr are packed in an icon font. The font has been generated using the app, and uses glyphs from Entypo as well as IcoMoon Free, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 and GPL respectively.
As far as code goes, the drawing is done with the help of fabric.js, a fantastic Javascript library for canvas drawing. And the whole app relies on knockout.js for tying the interface together. Lots of ♥ to all the authors of those two libraries!
If you encounter offensive or illegal content on Giflr, please report it to us! You can do so by going to the page where the image in question is hosted, and clicking "Report abuse" in the bottom right corner. If you encountered the image on, for instance on, then go to to find the "Report abuse" link.
If you have a keyboard on your device, here are some shortcuts you can use with Giflr. When talking about objects, I'm referring to things you add to the GIF, like text for instance.
Giflr is good for making a GIF of your face , for creating memes, or for just adding some text to an already nearly perfect GIF. You can read more about it here…